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3 instruments building

This category contains 6 posts

New translation: periph fluide

I had the pleasure in 2019 et 2020 to be an artistic adviser for the musical creation of "Periph fluide" of Simon Deslandes and Bastien Lambert. Good wind (Continue Reading…)

periph fluide

J’ai eu le plaisir d’accompagner en 2019 et 2020 ce projet de création "Periph fluide" de Simon Deslandes et Bastien Lambert comme conseiller artistique. Bon vent. (Lire la suite…)

plaques de cuivres autonomes et sonnantes

un travail de création d’un objet sonore autonome dont j’ai donné l’idée et réalisé par la Fondation Lafayette pour le film et l’installation de Laura Sellies et Amélie Giaccomini http://giacomini-sellies.com/projets/toutes-ces-filles-couronnees-de-langues-les-instruments (Lire la suite…)

autonomous copper sounding plates

A work wich i participate by giving an idea of an sounding object made by Fondation Lafayette for the film and installation of Laura Sellies and Amélie Giaccomini http://giacomini-sellies.com/projets/toutes-ces-filles-couronnees-de-langues-les-instruments (Continue Reading…)

Reverse collection Tarek Atoui

"Reverse Collection" Tarek Atoui’s exhibition at Tate Modern London (GB) at the Tank June to october 2016 I build 3 instruments "Aqua flute" Putine Organ" and "Orgue à clapets" for this project which was bought by the Tate gallery and are yet in the collections Played 10 days with Tarek Atoui, Leo Maurel, Vincent Martial and some London musicians. I (...) (Continue Reading…)


"WHITHIN" Tarek ATOUI For this exhibition, i designed and build with the help of Thierry Lafitte, Alexis Regidor, Glenn Marzin and Tarek Atoui, a sound massage table , four kind of sounding tables and some wood carpenting. I play the instruments, directed concerts and compose a new piece "Ensemble Ability" for an ensemble of 5 to 8 amateur, pro, (...) (Continue Reading…)